采矿与安全工程学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 435-440.

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  1. 1. 中国矿业大学矿业工程学院,煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,江苏 徐州 221116; 2. 内蒙古大唐国际锡林浩特矿业有限责任公司,内蒙古 锡林浩特 026000
  • 出版日期:2014-05-15 发布日期:2014-05-20
  • 作者简介:任月龙(1969-),男,山西省朔州市人,博士,从事露天开采等方面的研究。 E-mail:hanliu3180@163.com Tel:0479-6953001
  • 基金资助:


Influence of blasting vibration and structural plane progressive failure on slope stability

  • Online:2014-05-15 Published:2014-05-20

摘要: 为了研究爆破震动及结构面渐进破坏对于边坡稳定性的影响,掌握爆破震动过程中的致损机理及稳定系数变化规律,根据结构面抗剪强度退化机理,明确了渐进破坏过程中抗剪强度变化规律;结合爆破动载荷的作用机理,修正了震动条件下抗滑力、下滑力的计算公式;基于此,推导出了平面和折面滑坡模式的时效稳定系数计算方法,并对哈尔乌素露天矿北端帮边坡稳定性进行研究。结果表明:结构面完好和贯通时的稳定系数分别为1.348和1.173。结构面渐进破坏过程中,边坡稳定系数呈线性递减,且递减的速度与岩体的黏聚力C呈正比;爆破震动作用下,边坡时效稳定系数以初始稳定系数为中心,响应震动加速度上下波动;爆破震动和结构面渐进损伤耦合作用下,边坡时效稳定系数在波动变化的同时呈现整体下滑趋势。

关键词: 爆破震动, 结构面, 渐进破坏, 稳定性, 动态载荷

Abstract: In order to investigate the impact of blasting vibration and structural surface damage on slope stability and the stability coefficient variation and undermining mechanism during blasting process, the research gets the law of the shear strength variation during under mining process with the degradation mechanism for shear strength in structural surface as the basis. In combination with the mechanism of blasting dynamic loading, calculation formula of both sliding and sliding resistance forces under the condition of fixed vibration were corrected. The calculation methods of timeliness stability coefficient for planar and folding landslide models are deduced and applied to the study of the north slope stability at Haerwusu Surface Coal Mine. The results show that stability factors are 1.348 and 1.173 for intact structural surface and damaged structural surface respectively. In addition, the slope stability coefficient decreases linearly during the slope undermining progress while the decreasing speed is proportional to the cohesive force C. Furthermore, under the action of blasting vibration, the slope timeliness stability fluctuates up and down in response to seismic acceleration and the combined influence of both blasting vibration and structural surface damage makes the slope timeliness stability present a descending trend when fluctuating.

Key words: blasting vibration, structural plane, progressive failure, stability, dynamic load