采矿与安全工程学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 462-468.

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  1. 1.盐城工学院土木工程学院,江苏 盐城 224051;2.中国矿业大学深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,力学与建筑工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116
  • 出版日期:2014-05-15 发布日期:2014-05-20
  • 作者简介:王路珍(1982-),女,山西省应县人,讲师,博士,从事渗流力学的理论和试验方面的研究。 通信作者:陈占清 E-mail:wangluzhen5@126.com Tel:15851060692
  • 基金资助:


An experimental study of the influence of seepage pressure and initial porosity on variable mass seepage for broken mudstone

  • Online:2014-05-15 Published:2014-05-20

摘要: 为揭示不同埋深岩溶陷落柱在承压水压力和压实程度2种影响因素作用下的突水机理,利用改进的变质量破碎岩石渗流试验系统,进行了考虑颗粒迁移的破碎泥岩变质量渗流试验,得出渗流突变历时、突出物质量、突出物质量变化率及孔隙度变化率等在渗透压力和初始孔隙度共同作用下的变化规律。研究表明:1) 在渗流初始阶段,渗透压力和流量稳定;渗流突变时,渗透压力和流量均发生剧变,变化幅度与试样的突出物质量和孔隙结构调整情况有关。2) 随初始孔隙度增大、渗透压力增加,突水历时变短,突出物质量增大,二者均可由渗透压力和初始孔隙度表示为对数函数,突出物质量变化率和孔隙度变化率均变快,可用指数函数拟合。3) 随着渗透压力增大,突水历时、突出物的质量、突出物质量变化率和孔隙度变化率受初始孔隙度的影响逐渐减弱。

关键词: 破碎泥岩, 变质量, 渗透压力, 初始孔隙度, 渗流突变

Abstract: In order to study the water inrush mechanism of Karst collapse column in different depths with coupled underground water pressure and compaction degree, a modified variable mass seepage experiment system on broken rock was used to conduct variable mass seepage experiments for broken mudstone considering particle migration. The duration time of seepage burst, weight of gushed particle, change rate of gushed particle weight and change rate of porosity were recorded and calculated, and the change rules under seepage pressure and initial porosity were obtained. It shows that in the initial seepage stage, seepage pressure and flow are stable, they change rapidly when seepage burst happens, and the change range is related to weight of gushing particle and the process of pore structure adjusting. With the initial porosity and seepage pressure increasing, the duration time of seepage burst gets shorter, weight of gushed particle gets larger, and these two parameters are fitted by logarithmic functions relating to seepage pressure and initial porosity; change rate of gushed particle weight and change rate of porosity get faster and both are fitted by exponential functions relating to seepage pressure and initial porosity. With seepage pressure increasing, the influence of initial porosity on the duration time of seepage bursts, weight of gushed particle, change rate of gushed particle weight and change rate of porosity are gradually weakened.

Key words: broken mudstone, variable mass, seepage pressure, initial porosity, seepage burst